How To Clean and Store Beer Filters

Keg Beer filter kit 5/16inch tubing absolute or nominal

Cleaning & Storing Beer Filters

This instructional relates to the Gravity Beer Filter Kit and Co2 Pressure Beer Filter Kit.

Simply use a garden hose on a light spray to clean, then sterilise the housing and filter cartridge before use.

Use a food grade Liquid No-Rinse Sanitiser or similar.

  • Open filter housing and remove cartridge
  • Hose out sump
  • Lightly hose off outside surface of cartridge by moving the hose up & down until clean
  • Replace filter cartridge back into sump and hold down while running the hose in the top of the cartridge – this will back-flush cartridge forcing particles out of the pleats
  • Sterilize all equipment including filter cartridge
  • Shake the pleated filter to remove excess water then drain for a few minutes before placing into a clean plastic bag
  • Remove most of the air from the bag, then seal and put in the freezer until next brew – this will stop potential bacteria and/or mould growth.

Before re-using filter system, sterilize all equipment with the sanitiser including the housing and filter cartridge.

  • Thaw pleated filter cartridge completely
  • Shake to remove excess water before placing in the sump
  • Recommend lubricating end-caps of cartridge with food grade silicon grease to reduce twisting effect when housing tightened
  • Never tighten housing when cartridge is totally dry or frozen – or damage will occur and shorten life of cartridge significantly.



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